SANJU'S BLOG Civil engineer Hydrology Hydrographs 🔸 Hydrograph a Plot between discharge in a stream and time in chronological order. 🔸 Factors affecting flood Hydrograph 1. Shape of basin : 👉 Fan shaped catchment give high peak, narrow Hydrograph 👉 Fern shaped catchment give low peak, broad Hydrograph 2. Slope : Steeper slope catchment gives large peak discharge. 3. Drainage density : It is ratio of Total channel length to the total drainage area. 4. Stream density : It is the ratio of number of streams to area of basin. 5. Form factor : It is the ratio of basin area to square of basin length. 🔸 Direct runoff Hydrograph (DRH) : The surface runoff Hydrograph obtained after the base flow separation is called DRH. 🔸 Effective Rainfall = Total Rainfall - Total losses 🔸 Effective Rainfall Hydrograph (ERH) : The Hyetograph obtained after subtracting Initial loss and infiltration losses is called ERH. 🔸 Unit Hydrograph : It defined as direct runoff Hydrograph resulting from one u...