The language of science

Answer the following questions communication English 

 1. Why do scientist tend to to use special words even when words of common use could do?
Answer --
The scientist tend to use special words in place of common words because using special words becomes their habit

2. Why does the scientist use special words question mark

Answer --
The scientist uses special words because he does not like to use common words which have more than one meaning.

3. How does the scientist get his special words?

He gets the special words from Greek and Latin languages.

4. Why do most college students have difficulty in reading there text ?
the most of the college students find it difficult because there are many new words in this books which are of long and strange to them.
5 why does and English student have to learn new words of English , as we do?
Because, he does not know these words until they are taught to him in class. Moreover, the new words come from Greek and the latin  and so they are new to them.

6. Write paragraph on the language of science using among others the following words and phrases

Peri phery, Earth, safe, spherical, circular, flat, plant a tree, axle, station, elliptical orbit, the solar system.
The earth is spherical in shape. It looks circular from the space though to our eyes, its surface appears flat. It is one of the nine planters which orbit around the Sun. The Earth is only a small plant in the solar system list of however, it is here it's the only planet where life except list of the Earth rotates on its Axis as well as, it revolves around the sun in an elliptical moment. Its axle rotation causes day and night while its revolving around the sun causes change of season every year released of the the plant fairy motion of age planet list of revolving around the sun is different from the other please stop the outer periphery of the Earth is protected by atmosphere layers which also save us from solar radiation and ultraviolet rays.


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